Based on 50 Years of Meditation and Consciousness Research



Awakened Mind training with the Mind Mirror 

is the only proven fast-track to conscious evolution.


 Any normal brain can optimize itself.

It’s only natural. 

You were built for it. 


shows your brain and body how to evolve

Integrated   Body-Mind Measurements 

reflect your state of consciousness





Featuring a revolutionary at-home self-training program and scientifically structured Awakened Mind meditations, the Mind Mirror guides meditators into five ideal patterns that sharpen intelligence, heal the body, open the heart, and lift the spirit. 

          Silent Meditation                         Awakened Mind                  Evolved Mind                     Gamma Synchrony            Universal Consciousness

Introducing the Mind Mirror Practitioner Kit

Vilistus Mind Mirror neurofeedback/biofeedback device

Small, portable and highly versatile, the Vilistus digital sampling unit features four inputs and eight channels for EEG and/or physiology sensors. The DSU operates on USB connectivity, providing 256 samples per second.

Vilistus Mind Mirror dual-channel EEG sensor

The five-electrode, dual-channel EEG sensor measures both hemispheres of the brain and requires only one input port. This allows the user to add EEG or physiology sensors for measuring up to four people at a time.

Vilistus Mind Mirror Galvanic Skin Response meter

The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) physiology sensor wraps around two fingers and gauges mental-emotional arousal and relaxation. It can be used alone to train stress reduction and relaxation, meditation, and high performance.

Vilistus Mind Mirror - Blood Volume Pulse meter

The Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) sensor, clipped to the little finger, monitors heart rate, heart-rate variability, and stress index. Highly sensitive readings provide deep insights into the self when used with EEG and guided meditations. 

Custom designed by Awakened Mind Consciousness Trainers. Affordable, lightweight, and portable.

User friendly for self-trainers, analysis friendly for professionals.

Explore the software's sophisticated features, innovative user controls, and advanced analytical tools.


Neurofeedback training paired with

EEG-tested, time-proven guided meditations

Stress Reduction

Mental Clarity

Peak Performance

The Mind Mirror is the scientific fast-track to stress reduction, enhanced brain function, and improved health and well-being. Our easy-to-use self-training program will guide you to lucid awareness and your creativity, insight, and intuition.

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Mental clarity refers to the sharpness of the mind and its flexibility and fluency of thought and action. The balanced brain thinks faster and is more lucid. Deep-state meditation increases cognitive skills and attenuates aging.

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No matter what your passion, the Mind Mirror’s self-training program, with variable challenge levels, will help you combine external focus with calm, creative inner awareness for peak performance and the precision edge that succeeds and wins! 

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Silent Meditation

Awakening the Mind


Nothing soothes and benefits us like silent meditation. It restores the body, enhances health, increases intelligence, and unites the mind and spirit. Meditation is unrivaled in its ability to heal and evolve us.

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The Awakened Mind is the brainwave pattern of the world's top performers and producers. The brain loves this synchronization of the body, mind, and spirit - and the peace and wisdom in it.

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There is a spiritual light at the core of every being. It illuminates us in meditation and connects the heart with the quantum field of light. We experiene nonduality, bliss, and our oneness with all things.

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Give yourself a treat.

Visit the Mind Mirror Portal's Meditation Center.

(You don't need to own a Mind Mirror.)


The Mind Mirror's accuracy, versatility, and 50-year knowledge base makes it the perfect tool for meditation trainers, medical professionals, psychotherapists, wellness centers, and researchers. Explore the many ways professionals are using the Mind Mirror.


Compact and easy to use, the system displays neurofeedback and biofeedback readings that any client can interpret and understand. Data that matches felt improvements in brain balance, heart rate, and relaxation validates clients and encourages their efforts.


Mind Mirror owners working in professional settings typically want a deeper and more nuanced understanding of brainwave patterns and their correlations with physiology. We are pleased to provide educational programs tailored to suit anyone's needs.


Explore the Institute for the Awakened Mind's comprehensive Training Programs.


The Mind Mirror 6 is used worldwide by Awakened Mind Consciousness Trainers 

certified by the Institute for the Awakened Mind, an international consortium of self-trainers and professionals.

This research and education organization sprang out of the Mind Mirror technology. 

Mission: IAM and the Mind Mirror are dedicated to personal and planetary healing and transformation.  

What makes the Mind Mirror so unique?

Unlike any other electroencephalograph (EEG), the Mind Mirror measures the rhythms of both sides of the brain across frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 100 hertz: from the slow delta waves of empathy, psychic awareness, and deep sleep to the super-fast gamma waves of whole-brain synchrony, mental integration, and transcendence. More on brainwaves.


Looking into this mirror of the mind, you can easily see how your brain works and how to adjust your brainwave patterns to attain the awareness most appropriate for your needs.   


Anyone can read and interpret Mind Mirror patterns, which precisely and unfailingly depict in real time the meditator's state of consciousness. At left is the classic Awakened Mind.


Sophisticated features, innovative user controls, and advanced data analysis tools are custom designed to aid self-trainers, professional Awakened Mind practitioners, and scientific researchers. Or you can let the Mind Mirror Portal do the data processing for you.


The Mind Mirror Portal's automated data processing, permanent file storage, trend charts, mobile access, and client data sharing are designed to support self-trainers and professionals. The Meditation Viewer (above) correlates the guided meditation script with the brainwave patterns produced, making it easy to identify peak states and reproduce them. 

A Supportive Community of 

Caring, Committed, and Curious People


"EEG Awakened Mind training is a kind of magic door to different possibilities for solving personal problems and issues. It has changed my life and my understanding of myself and the world completely!"

       -Natasha A, Russia



"I have learnt and taught various change, healing and self-improvement modalities for many years. The results of the Mind Mirror were quite remarkable as they indicated the brain states accurately and dynamically. I use the Mind Mirror as a very powerful tool to bring about transformation in my coaching clients and students."

         - Amit K, India

"Having previously taken the slow road to experience cosmic consciousness, the Mind Mirror has permitted me unparalleled confidence in following the path back to my True Nature. It enhances my work as a creative consultant, as a therapist, and in my life as a sentient, empathic being."

        - David F, Canada

"The MM6 has come into my life at precisely the right juncture. As a fellow seeker of the deeper understanding of All That Is, the convergence of science and spirituality is made user-friendly and more affordable by this ingenious technology. It reveals so much useful information for my self-training sessions, even at microsecond levels! Fascinating, exciting and inspiring stuff!!

               - Marvin J, USA

"This is the most important work on the planet. The Mind Mirror and my trainer helped me find a 'lost' piece of myself and gave me the tools to find it if I ever lose it again. I have tried many techniques, but nothing compares to this. It was invaluable. Thank you so much."

           - Joanne H, USA  

The Mind Mirror 6 is the recipient of two international TransTech 200 awards for its innovative scientific contribution to the mental-emotional well-being of humanity! Co-developer Judith Pennington received the awards in Palo Alto, Calif., on behalf of the Mind Mirror community. 

"The present wave of interest in higher states of consciousness and the exploration of the inner worlds now sweeping the West has a deeper-rooted cause than is usually understood by those engaged in the study of the human mind.

This is not just a passing phase, a fashionable switch of interest from the material to the spiritual. It is a part of human evolution; the point where consciousness turns its search on itself to unravel its own mystery."


                                           --C. Maxwell Cade, Mind Mirror inventor

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