Today, there are many wearable EEG devices on the market.
Only the Mind Mirror provides the tools for conscious evolution.
The Mind Mirror is the global leader in meditation and consciousness development for a reason. It shows people how to match their subjective experience with the objective data and then follow that information - a kind of roadmap - to see where they want to go next.
Most people seek inner peace and outer equanimity. Our self-training program and guided meditations help them discover what obstructs their serenity. Each "aha" insight shows in the Mind Mirror display. People see and feel their brainwave patterns shift. Encouraged, they systematically clear internal blocks to their happiness and wholeness.
Soon, emotions calm, the mind sharpens, the body restores itself, and the unleashed spirit soars. It's not difficult, and it's not a mystery. It's a brainwave art and science.
Our 50-Year Knowledge Base
The shared mission and expertise of the Mind Mirror and its education partner, the Institute for the Awakened Mind, is deep, subconscious meditation geared to personal and planetary transformation. Since the Mind Mirror's 1976 invention by English biophysicist C. Maxwell Cade, we have made it our business to study, test, implement, and publish our findings on meditation and consciousness development.
We are the only scientific organization in the world with a 50-year knowledge base
on brainwave meditation as the means of conscious evolution.
We make this claim because we know our field. Other systems use the knowledge we acquired on the Mind Mirror. It can't be refuted. We see the brainwave changes, and meditators confirm what we observed. Everything that is happening in a person's consciousness shows up in the Mind Mirror display, in living color, and in our GSR and BVP physiology measurements.
Everyone evolves during Mind Mirror sessions, especially when engaged in our guided meditations. People feel better, their minds grow more lucid, their hearts open, and priorities come clear. The change is tangible, as Max Cade so eloquently observed:
"For beginners in biofeedback training, and for people generally, it is very difficult to grasp the concept
that our so-called normal waking state is neither the highest nor the most effective state of which
the human mind is capable, that there are other states of vastly greater awareness
which one can enter briefly and then return to normal living enriched, enlivened and enhanced."
We have only just begun to understand our human capabilities. However, there is one amazing certainty: Assisted by clear, precise, real-time Mind Mirror patterns that are visibly recognizable, the human brain/mind expands, optimizes, and rewires itself for the better.
Body-mind relaxation, increased blood flow, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and mental-emotional healing are key factors in the transformation of consciousness. Our five ideal brainwave patterns stimulate all of these internal processes on cellular and subatomic levels.
Unlike anything but physical exercise that we love, subconscious theta and superconscious gamma waves form new brain cells (neurogenesis) in our intellectual and memory storage and retrieval centers.
Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to rewire neural pathways and change its structure and function, is the process that underlies personal transformation and conscious evolution.
When the mind wishes to let go of a thought pattern or behavior, the brilliant brain complies by unplugging the old neural circuitry and creating a new electrochemical pathway that serves the mind's intention and the heart's desire. Meditation practice, coupled with intention, shifts the brain's processing of thoughts and emotions from the right prefrontal cortex to the left prefrontal cortex, the seat of love, kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, and other positive traits.
The ramifications of neuroplasticity are immense. Only the survival mechanisms in the brain and body are hardwired. Everything else can be changed.
The brilliant brain is a biofeedback instrument designed for self-optimization.
Anything, as far as we know, as long as the brain and body have the capacity to self-heal and evolve. If not, Awakened Mind guided meditations and the Mind Mirror's self-training program are certain to power up the body/mind's self-healing abilities. See the Research.
People use the Mind Mirror to reduce stress, increase intelligence, enhance their intuition, heal unresolved issues, find solutions to challenges, and attain transcendence. The Mind Mirror has even by used by a few people to mitigate the effects of stroke.
All because the brain, given a little guidance, can unite its conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind to activate its full potential. Read our Testimonials.
The well-chronicled ability of brainwave training to improve health and happiness is rapidly changing the direction of health care. Medical professionals are now using the Mind Mirror to help patients heal their minds and bodies.
Today, the Mind Mirror and Awakened Mind training are present in physician's offices, holistic healing centers, wellness centers, hypnotherapy practices, psychotherapy offices, and sleep centers. Its personal and professional applications are unlimited.
Begley, Sharon. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain. Random House, New York, 2007.
Cade, C. Maxwell and Nona Coxhead. The Awakened Mind: Biofeedback and the Development of Higher States of Awareness. Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset, England, 1989.
Dispenza, Joe. Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind. Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, Fla., 2007.
Green, Elmer & Alyce. Beyond Biofeedback. Delacorte Press, San Francisco, 1977.
Hagerty, Barbara Bradley. Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality. Penguin Group, New York, 2009.
McTaggart, Lynn. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. HarperCollins, New York, 2002.
Pennington, Judith. Your Psychic Soul: Embracing Your Sixth Sense. 4th Dimension Press, Virginia Beach Va., 2013.
Robbins, Jim. A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brain Wave Biofeedback.
Wise, Anna. Awakening the Mind: A Guide to Mastering the Power of Your Brain Waves. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. New York, 2002.
Wise, Anna. The High-Performance Mind: Mastering Brainwaves for Insight, Healing and Creativity. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. New York, 1995.
Judith Pennington, founder
Institute for the Awakened Mind
Awakened Mind Enterprises, LLC
T: +1 (610) 570-1107
5752 Shady Lane
Bath, PA 18014
Join the worldwide community of mind explorers using
the Mind Mirror’s revolutionary self-training program
to train peak performance at record speed
and awaken their minds and hearts
to exciting new possibilities!
Their tangible results include inner peace,
improved health, personal transformation, and
the evolution of consciousness.