For Professionals

The Mind Mirror - For Professionals

The versatility of the Mind Mirror 6 makes it the perfect instrument for Awakened Mind practitioners, biofeedback/neurofeedback therapists, and professional researchers.


Professionals use our integrated Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) sensors with EEG to teach clients to relax, regulate their physiology, and attain deep meditation, where they address the subconscious content of the mind. In these calm, quiet frequencies, they find resolutions to issues and challenges, unblock suppressed creativity, and bring harmony and balance to the body, mind, heart, and spirit. 


The Vilistus Pro software facilitates neurofeedback training of SMR, alpha-theta, theta-beta, brainwave coherence, and much more. The add-on Clinical Q software is a mini-QEEG. 


Awakened Mind practitioners and researchers work in sleep clinics, medical and psychotherapy practices, holistic centers, and consciousness-exploration organizations.    

What Makes the Mind Mirror STAND ABOVE THE COMPETITIon?

First and foremost, its accurate depiction of consciousness. No other system, anywhere in the world, reflects the integrated workings of the mind, body, heart, and spirit like the Mind Mirror does. Its instruments and features are unparalleled, and with training, you can use it to complement your practice and give your students, clients, and patients a gift they can't get anywhere else: the gift of optimizing their minds to access their unlimited potential.


Second, the Mind Mirror stands above the competition because of its versatility. Neurofeedback therapists can perform a mini-QEEG with the Vilistus Pro software, uptrain or downtrain brainwave frequencies with traditional neurofeedback, then select four clients who would benefit from a simultaneous group brainwave training with our relaxing and profound guided meditation scripts. After the session, therapists upload the recording to the Mind Mirror Portal and share the data with their clients. Clients explore their patterns in their own time and find more landmarks (a word, concept, or body sensation associated with a felt state of awareness), which enables them to recreate ideal brainwave patterns at will. They use these landmarks to practice brainwave mastery on their own. 


Another example: a sleep clinic in Geneva, Switzerland, employing dozens of medical doctors and psychotherapists uses the Mind Mirror to help people resolve and clear emotional issues through deep-state meditation. Releasing psychic pain is often the best way to restore normal sleep patterns.


One holistic center uses Roxiva's audio-visual stimulation to usher clients into altered states of consciousness. Naturally, they become curious about the brainwave patterns produced during these near psychedelic states. They sign up for one Mind Mirror session and end up taking a course of Mind Mirror sessions consisting of meditations for self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation. Which changes their lives, since the most loving and productive thing anyone can do for themselves is master their minds and consciousness.  


Researchers love the analytical capabilities of the Mind Mirror and its real-time operation. For example, a researcher interested in energy healing can monitor the healer and the recipient simultaneously. See our informal studies. Little in life is more exciting than seeing in the Mind Mirror the moment an insight arrives, or the healing takes place. Hint: the brainwaves of the healer and recipient synchronize, and the healer shifts the recipient into higher or lower frequencies within one of our ideal brainwave patterns.


Researchers helped create the Mind Mirror software. Resizable data windows, continuous signal quality monitoring, quick keystroke commands, and a wide array of summary view windows and statistical assessment tools make the Mind Mirror indispensable. 


Anyone curious about how the mind works will ultimately seek out a professional Mind Mirror practitioner. And any curious practitioner will seek out people to study.

Practitioner training as a complementary skill set

Although self-trainers can readily understand their brainwave patterns (thanks to our comprehensive manuals and instructional videos), professional people typically want a deeper understanding of brainwave science: for instance, how to read pattern nuances like a "block" in delta, which signifies an unconscious "wall behind a wall."


IAM's Practitioner Training Program covers everything from hardware and software to how to write meditations and work with groups. The comprehensive training program invented by Anna Wise now includes gamma research and much more.


Explore our Practitioner Training Program and how it might complement your practice. And how you might take Awakened Mind training out to the world, as in this photo of three Mind Mirror practitioners monitoring the brainwaves of participants during a program in Italy. 

What equipment Do I Need?

The Practitioner Kit, designed for use with clients, includes the digital sampling unit, the Vilistus Pro neurofeedback and Mind Mirror software, one EEG sensor, GSR, BVP, a three-foot extender cable, paste, gel, and everything you and your clients need to get started, including a sturdy carry case. 


Visit the Practitioner Kit subpages to see screen displays options and the sophisticated user controls engineered by Vilistus.


Buy extra EEGs for group trainings. The privilege of looking into other people's minds to help them match the objective data with their subjective experiences is exciting, fascinating, and fulfilling.

Helping people understand how their minds work - and can work better - changes their lives - and will change yours, too. No one can participate in the extraordinary without experiencing the amazement that comes with new discoveries.  


Awakened Mind training is a portal to higher states of consciousness, which draw people to their higher power - the spirit of love. For many practitioners, playing a role in that shift from ordinary awareness to nonduality and revelation is the most exciting and fulfilling work they have ever done. It's a mission and a life work.

"Now that the heretofore invisible states of man, his body-mind relationships, can not only be made visible but can be recorded so they can be repeated as

statistical and scientific evidence for further study and practical use, there is no limit to where his development of higher states might lead. --Max Cade