Stress Reduction for Inner Peace, Improved Health, and Wholeness

The Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 is the scientific fast-track to stress reduction, inner peace, and optimal health and well-being. 


Our self-training program will guide you to physical relaxation and the absence of thought: a meditation state that naturally reduces stress.


You hook up to the Mind Mirror, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Your brilliant brain adjusts itself to attain the audio cues for the ideal Awakened Mind pattern of creativity and flow. The Mind Mirror shows precisely when you reach an alpha-theta meditation state. It's easy to condition this feeling. It's who you are at your core. And it feels good. 


The brain loves to be peaceful and more efficient. It wants to optimize your entire system—body, mind, heart, and spirit. 

chronic stress and its simple antidote

Everyone shifts their state of consciousness countless times each day (except for regular meditators). The rapid pace of daily life keeps the thinking mind running at incredible speeds. According to studies, the mind is so busy that the average person loses their attention span every six to ten seconds.


Chronic stress is a rollercoaster of restless inattention and chaotic thinking. It serves only to fragment the mind, devastate the body, and imprison the spirit. 


For most people, stress is the result of doing too much in too little time. But it can also be caused by unhappiness or a general sense of dissatisfaction.  

People suffering from chronic stress can't relax beta's thinking mind enough to produce alpha's bridge to the long-term memories, creativity, insight, and intuition in subconscious theta. The Mind Mirror's self-training program and our Awakened Mind meditations stimulate alpha's relaxed, sensory awareness and its bridge to the subconscious. The subconscious mind's creative insights and intuition provide solutions to stress. We reorder our priorities, and suddenly life is less overwhelming. The balanced brain and relaxed body heal us and restore feelings of inner peace. It's that simple. 


Awakened Mind meditation conditions the body-mind to a calmer and more introspective way of being. Relaxing into alpha and gaining access to our subconscious intelligence is a life-changer. 

  Nothing is more powerful than your subconscious mind,

where your deeper, core self has all of the answers to all of your questions.

Change your mind, change your life – and say goodbye to chronic stress.  

The Awakened Mind of inner peace and happiness

Awakened Mind training with the Mind Mirror helps the body-mind relax into a state of inner peace that is conditioned in the brain and nervous system then generalized into daily life.


Emotional reactivity lessens, mood brightens, and attention and awareness sustain. The balanced brain and lucid mind communicate better with the heart, body, and spirit. 


It’s a scientific fact. Studies show that only meditation can uplift the psyche into a state of lasting happiness. Connecting the brain and heart enables us to create the life of our dreams. And to live longer and better. 

Over the past 50 years, hundreds of thousands of people across the world have used Awakened Mind guided meditations to expand their minds and become more productive and healthier in their work and lives. There's a simple reason for that:

By expanding our self-awareness, Awakened Mind meditation 

unites the brain's three layers: intelligence, intuition, and instinct.

The powered-up brain heals the body, warms the heart, and reconnects with its spirit.

Nothing else offers this remarkable range of benefits.