The Art & Science of Silent Meditation

The Mind Mirror's audio cues and the guided meditations in the Portal's Meditation Center make it easy to relax the body-mind and attain silent meditation. (See the pattern at left).


The training program sounds an audio cue (music or a pleasing gong) when the conscious mind's beta waves (in red and yellow) decrease in amplitude and grow quieter. This allows the sensory alpha bridge (in green) to access the creativity and insight of theta's subconscious (in blue) and the empathy and psychic awareness of delta's unconscious mind (in purple). 


The art and science of meditation have never been easier to attain, master, and condition.

Nothing soothes and benefits us like the calm, still waters of meditation.

Meditation is unrivaled in its ability to clarify, heal, and evolve consciousness. 

What is meditation?

Mind Mirror inventor Max Cade defined meditation as physical relaxation combined with mental inactivity. Meditation teaches people to focus their minds and sustain their attention while resting and recharging the body during the practice and, afterward, in waking life.


According to hundreds of studies, the benefits of meditation are immense. They include improved intelligence and health, among many others.


But there is much more to meditation. Because it opens the conscious mind to its subconscious, meditators can access the intelligence of the essential self, which some call the soul, for personal insights and solutions to life challenges. And meditation has a life-enhancing side benefit: it enhances sleep and awakens us to our dreams, which provide valuable information while we slumber. 


The clear, flowing mind of meditation, externalized as the eyes-open Awakened Mind brainwave pattern, attracts "aha" experiences and serendipitous events as the meditator lives a life of creative flow and peak performance.  

what does meditation feel like?

Everyone experiences moments of meditation. Perhaps while walking in a park, you were captivated by the song of a bird, listened wholeheartedly, and felt a joyful surge of oneness with all things. 


Or while you were relaxing, a lightning bolt of insight flashed into your mind. Perhaps you experienced a sudden sense of harmony that felt like the "real" you.


Meditation is a lasting experience of these peak moments of clarity, creativity, and connection.


Every moment you spend in meditation will condition its peaceful psychophysiology into your entire being. Practicing only three times a week for 20 minutes at a time will discipline your mind, revitalize your body, reduce emotional reactivity, and unite you with your spirit, all of which will project outward into your life. Lucidity in your choices and decisions will exponentially increase the quality of your life.


With your body relaxed, mind calm and clear, heart open, and spirit free, you will awaken to the wonders of life which flow toward you as synchronicities with people, places, and events. It will seem that all of life is stepping up to support you. 


This is our natural state. You are only returning to it.

Meditation unites us, at our core, with who we really are

and what we can and are meant to be.