The Brainwaves of Transcendence

Transcendence is a spiritual elevation of consciousness beyond the limited perceptions and polarized duality of the material world.


The person’s spirit informs their everyday life with higher thoughts and emotions flowing out of a sensed oneness with God, Quantum Light, Universal Mind, Higher Self, or whatever we choose to call the creative force which surrounds and permeates us.   


In daily, waking life, people who attain transcendence express the embodied qualities of the Awakened or Superconscious Mind. Read more about the qualities of the Awakened Mind.


During meditation, they produce the Evolved Mind of unity consciousness, Gamma Synchrony, or Universal Consciousness. 

C. Maxwell Cade, inventor of the Mind Mirror EEG, discovered that when people connect with the source from which they draw inspiration, they formed the Evolved Mind pattern. In 2019, with the development of our 100-hertz EEG sensor, we found the Superconscious Gamma Synchrony and Universal Consciousness patterns below. All three patterns involve transcendence, enlightenment, illumination. 

The Evolved Mind unites with something  far vaster than itself that feels like the essence of life. Higher knowledge flows in as the psyche is held in the grip of a loving power that exists in this earth and beyond it, as Max Cade so brilliantly wrote. The mind and heart are illuminated by this inflow of love and light. Floating in the formless, resonating with the infinite, the psyche reunites with what was longed for and now is found.    

The Superconscious Gamma Synchrony pattern of self-remembering and God consciousness consists of high-amplitude gamma (45-100 hertz) above the Awakened Mind pattern. When these frequencies are stimulated, gamma waves ripple across the brain, synchronizing the four lobes and frequencies into superconscious levels of awareness. Because this pattern can be externalized to waking life, it is considered to be a quantum leap in consciousness.

The Universal Consciousness pattern of union with Ultimate Reality (also known as cosmic consciousness) is rare. People who produce this 100-hertz Evolved Mind pattern, however briefly, emerge in a state of enlightened flow that lasts for hours or days. Spontaneous streams of intuition and high cognition accompany physical rejuvenation or healing. This is a pattern of surrender to the highest frequencies of love and light in the quantum field.

What are the benefits of these transcendent patterns?

The love and light flowing within these Mind Mirror patterns unite the body, mind, and heart with their spirit. Mind Mirror research conducted since 2017 with large groups of people attending the Discovery program at The Monroe Institute shows that each of these higher-state patterns, especially when gamma waves are present, inform and stabilize underlying patterns. Entering Universal Consciousness for a millisecond improves the Awakened Mind. Essentially, transcendent experiences rewire the brain to a higher order.


People experiencing transcendence report the following experiences of higher states of consciousness. These descriptors correspond with the GSR's Lesh Scale 6. If these descriptors sound familiar, then you were producing one or more of the above three brainwave patterns.


Pure awareness

Awe or reverence

Feelings of universal love

A new way of feeling

Intuitive insight into old problems, as though seen from a more aware level

Synthesis of opposites into a higher union

Sensation of being surrounded in light

A feeling of higher spiritual awareness

The sensation that nothing matters other than just being

The experience of bliss or indefinable peace 

A feeling of greater knowledge of the universe

How do meditators attain transcendence?

Silent and Awakened Mind meditation gradually awaken us to a sensed awareness of the spiritual light at the core of our being. Irresistibly drawn to it, we return to meditation with a deep desire to re-experience that light. It can happen in only one way: The conscious, thinking mind must unite with theta's soul and delta's spirit within the Awakened Mind brainwave pattern of creative flow and peak performance. 



Awakened Mind meditation opens awareness

to our power, potential, and infinite nature.

As the Awakened Mind devotes itself to the work of conscious evolution, resolving and clearing limiting beliefs and destructive thoughts and behaviors, the qualities of self-love, tolerance, acceptance, and compassion naturally develop. Open-heartedly projecting these out into the world, we heal relationships and serve others. Along the way, the spiritual heart's intuition attracts synchronicities in people, places, and events. Gradually, we gain a deep inner certainty of higher awareness. A creative force loves and wants to help us. As we open up to it, it permeates and transforms us.


In elevating the body, mind, heart, and spirit, that connection between the earthly self and the quantum light of pure love produces these super-ordinary brainwave patterns of transcendence, enlightenment, illumination, and cosmic consciousness.