Institute of Noetic Sciences Meditation Bibliography
Compiled and edited by Michael Murphy, co-founder of Esalen Institute, in collaboration with Steven Donovan. Now updated and available as a searchable, online catalog with citations, abstracts, and, when available, full-text articles.
The Institute of HeartMath Meditation Research
Search on "Meditation" for (at last count) 111 studies conducted by this group of scientists.
Mind & Life Institute Research and Initiatives: Mapping the Mind
This non-profit organization organizes articles and research conducted by the world's leading neuroscientists working in conjunction with seasoned Tibetan Buddhist meditators under the auspices of the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
Biofeedback, Yoga and Altered States of Consciousness
Article by Swami Tapasmurti Saraswati, Founder of Yoga Magazine. Based on Cade's research and Mind Mirror.
Article by Anna Wise. Published by, "Winter Brain Papers," 2007.
"Meditation and Neurofeedback"
Article by Tracy Brandmeyer and Arnaud Delorme, Frontiers in Psychology/Consciousness Research, October 2013.
Study published by Science Daily in July 2014. Neurofeedback meditation trials showed healthy and elderly participant gains in sustained attention, orienting and executive attention, memory, complex psychomotor skills, implicit procedural memory, recognition memory, perceptual binding, intelligence, mood and well-being.
“First Direct Evidence of Neuroplastic Changes Following Brainwave Training”
Study published by Science Daily in March 2010. Significant changes in brain plasticity observed with 30 minutes of voluntary-controlled alpha brainwave training per day, inducing a lasting shift in cortical excitability and intracortical function.
Meditation Rewires Attention and Emotion, Increases Cortical Thickness
Kang Do-Hyung, et al. Study published in Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Meditation Stabilizes Attention and Working Memory
Study by Amishi Jha, et al. Article published in the New York Times Magazine
Alpha Mindfulness Training Reduces Stress, Chronic Pain and Depression Relapse,
and Leads to Enhanced Cognitive Regulation and Metacognition
Study by C.E. Kerr, et al. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, published by
Meditation Decreases Depression and Increases Compassion; Brain Changes Persist
Study by G. Desbordes, et al. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NIH
Science of Awakening: Human Brain is Hardwired for Enlightenment
Article by Eric Hoffmann, Ph.D. New Brain-New World
Gamma Brainwave Training Increases Happiness
Study conducted by Frontiers in Science. Indexed in Institute of Noetic Sciences Bibliography on Meditation
Gamma Synchrony and Unity Consciousness
Article on "Gamma wave." Wikipedia, with references
"Scans of Monks' Brains Show Meditation Alters Structure, Functioning"
Article by Sharon Begley. Science Journal/Wall Street Journal, November 2004
"Long-Term Meditators Self-Induce High-Amplitude Gamma Synchrony During Mental Practice"
Study by Antoine Lutz, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
"How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time"
Article By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, Time Magazine, January, 2006
"How the Mind Can Reshape Our Brains"
Neuroscientist Sara Lazar presents a TEDx Talk in Cambridge (2011), 8:33 minutes
The benefits of meditation: neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, increased empathy and compassion, reduced stress and negative emotions in the amygdala.
Mindfulness and Neural Integration: Relationships and Reflection on the Cultivation of Well-Being
Daniel Siegel, M.D. presents a TEDx Talk in Studio City (2012), 18:26 minutes
"Self" and self-regulation: how mindful self-reflection and self-regulation integrate the reptilian, mammalian and human (cortical) brains for greater health and well-being
40Hz Gamma and Higher States of Consciousness
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., Institute for Frontier Sciences. Presentation in 3 parts, total 21 minutes
"Transform Your Mind, Change Your Brain"
Google TechTalk by Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D., 1:05:21 minutes
Content: neuroplasticity, epigenetics, meditation: the cultivation of compassion, neurocardiac coupling, demonstrable changes in new meditators, gamma frequencies, attentional stability, immune system improvements, predications about the future pervasiveness of meditation.
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