Introducing the Mind Mirror 6 Software


The Mind Mirror 6 software is unique and unparalleled in its ability to reflect the activities of the brain and consciousness.


The self-training program, consisting of audio cues for eyes-closed training, helps the brain orchestrate the ideal Awakened Mind and other patterns, which advance personal and spiritual growth.


The software comes with sophisticated features, innovative user controls, advanced data analysis, and a revolutionary at-home self-training program. 

Utilizing the band pass filters pioneered in 1976 by English biophysicist C. Maxwell Cade, the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 has invigorated the original Mind Mirror with the best of neurofeedback and biofeedback technology.


Customized to meet the needs of Awakened Mind practitioners, self-trainers, and researchers around the world, our biotechnology is continually growing, evolving, and receiving awards and accolades.

is it too complex for a non-technical person?

There is a learning curve. This is real EEG, so the hookups must be precise. Fortunately, our blue disk electrodes are forgiving and easy to apply, and we provide the best paste and gel on the market. With a little practice, anyone can manage the hookup. To make it even easier, we developed a Dry Electrodes Kit: wrap the headband around your head, squirt on the saline spray, and you're ready to go. Watch a video.


Watch a 3-minute paste and gel self-hookup or a 5-minute video of people hooking up others.


Once the electrodes are attached to bare scalp and you wrap a headband around your head to keep them in place, the software is easy to operate. Just a few keystrokes and you're in full command. Our step-by-step user manuals and (the quickest way to learn) online instructional videos will take you from the hardware setup, software download, and session setup all the way to advanced data analysis. 

Meet our Unique and Superb Software

New Features and Varied Views

Classic and new views with an optional gamma screen.

The classic Mind Mirror pattern (below, left) consists of 14 frequency bars inclusive of the default 0.5-44 hertz, or cycles per second. A keystroke command extends this range to either 64Hz or to 100Hz (below, right). The display can be changed to any color or combination of colors or appear in an outline with or without the frequency bars.


The white numbers at the bottom of the brainwave display show the amplitude, or power, of the frequency bars. Set the microvoltage on auto-attenuate or increase and decrease with keystroke commands. The green surface Electromyography (sEMG) bar below the attenuation numbers alerts the meditator to the appearance of frequency-distorting muscle artifact in the head, neck or shoulders.  



                                                                 Classic 44-hertz Mind Mirror display.                                                      100Hz display inclusive of low, mid and upper gamma.

Views of integrated EEG and Physiology Measurements

The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) sensors help people self-regulate their physiology. Used alone or in combination with EEG, the GSR and BVP readings deepen understanding of the body-mind connection and how to profoundly relax in order to reduce stress, improve health, and expand awareness. 


The BVP sensor monitors pulse rate, heart-rate variability, and stress index. With the add-on Mind Mirror Features Pack software, the BVP sensor and Pacer identify the best HRV Resonant Frequency for the heart and breath. Resonant frequency breathing reduces stress, optimizes consciousness, and improves health. 


In post-session summary view windows, the red trend lines and vertical white markers are used in conjunction with a second timer clock to precisely pinpoint notable events for correlation with EEG. Session markers are connected with internal landmarks for self-understanding and mastery. 

Mind Mirror Summary at top left. GSR and BVP post-session analytical windows at right. 

At bottom, alpha amplitude summary window with red marker used to delete movement artifact.

                            The GSR's Arousal Trace, ranging between Lesh Scale 0 for highly aroused                                 to 6 for a spiritual state shows relaxation at 3.5, a light meditation state.

The HRV Summary window shows a low heart rate of 66 and a healthy

HRV at 5.2, with Stress Index at a low 3.79.

Typically, the highest heart rate is a reflection of stress (or gamma activity), and the lowest pulse signals ease in the heart and brain. The lowest heart rate usually points to the meditator's most profound brainwave patterns and experiences. Finding these correlations provides landmarks for relaxation and brainwave patterns that the meditator can recall and re-create to return to health and expanded awareness. 

The above screen capture shows how Mind Mirror practitioners utilize the integrated EEG, GSR, and BVP sensors. This client was engaged in a meditation intended to help dissolve his sadness. His difficulty in facing the source of his unhappiness is seen in the Mind Mirror display's left-brain dominance and the upwardly splayed 38 and 30Hz bands of beta (in red, orange and yellow), which signify anxiety, stress, or panic. That stress reduced the amplitudes of and access to his subconscious theta frequencies (in blue), where the issue was stored and must be resolved. The GSR's Lesh 3.7 value for light meditation reflects moderate sweat gland activation rather than deep relaxation.


The client's left and right brain hemispheres were asymmetrical (see the greyed-out right-brain) while he explored the issue, as shown here. Later in the session, he relaxed and deepened into his theta, which gave him important insights. Afterward, he felt lighter and more peaceful, and his brainwaves balanced across the two hemispheres. He later reported that the sadness did not return.

the Revolutionary self-Training Program

The Mind Mirror Self-Training

The Mind Mirror's self-training program provides direct audio-visual feedback for training a variety of patterns. New meditators may wish to begin with preliminary training patterns such as Beta Reduction, Alpha Generation, Alpha Synchrony, Alpha-Theta, or Delta Generation. Or they may wish to start training the Awakened Mind, Enhanced Awakened Mind, Evolved Mind, or Gamma Synchrony pattern.


Self-trainers attach the electrodes, select the desired pattern, press Record, activate the white outline, close their eyes, and sit quietly. The brain adjusts itself to attain the pattern's audio cue or gong sound.


The above screen capture: While listening to the House of Doors guided meditation, this self-trainer nearly lost her alpha (green) as she slipped into a subconscious meditation and nearly fell asleep: see the highly amplified theta (blue) and delta (purple). Note the GSR's Lesh 6 score for deep relaxation and her slow heart rate of 52 beats per minute. When the audio cues stopped, she awakened and resumed the meditation.


Direct audio feedback helps the meditator find internal landmarks used to re-create the associated state of consciousness. Re-imagining internal landmarks returns the meditator to the original state of consciousness and conditions it.  

the mind mirror summary

Consisting of an averaged brainwave pattern (below, right), pattern statistics for 10 challenge levels, and the Mind Mirror Summary Plot, these three summary view windows provide pattern training statistics used to evaluate trends in meditation training. Advanced meditators and other highly developed and spiritually aware people attain values of 75% and above for the Awakened Mind at Training Level 5.


Below are the statistics for the self-trainer who listened to the House of Doors guided meditation and briefly drifted into sleep. Overall, she scored Awakened Mind 90% at Training Level 5, indicative of a strong peak performance pattern. Her landmark (an image, word, concept or body sensation representing a felt state of awareness) was a red cardinal perched on a snow-covered tree branch. She can re-imagine the red cardinal to return her brainwaves to this high-value Awakened Mind pattern: an open flow of clarity, creativity, insight, and intuition. 

The mind mirror's pattern editor

Pattern Editor. The Pattern Editor is included in the Mind Mirror Features Pack. This optional software add-on allows the user to design their own self-training pattern.


Simply move the lever in the instrument panel to define the shape of the pattern. Musical cues sound when the pattern ratios are attained. 


Includes options to augment or inhibit (increase or decrease) specific amplitudes. Auto-augment and auto-inhibit take a two-minute measurement and comfortably bring you up to 70% pattern reward levels, at which the brain learns best. (Read more about the Features Pack near the bottom of this page.)

State-of-the-art summary Windows for Data analysis

In addition to individual summary amplitude windows all brainwave categories, the Mind Mirror 6 features a Composite Display providing

an overview of brainwave activity across the session. Consisting of colored data lines, the Composite Display shows amplitude changes over the time plot at the bottom of the window. Clicking on a data line brings up a second timer clock that pinpoints the precise timing of an event for comparison with experiential shifts and physiology changes. Such comparisons are invaluable in helping meditators find landmarks they can mentally reproduce to return to the original brainwave pattern and state of awareness.


The Mind Mirror Portal's Meditation Viewer consists of a Composite Display and integrated Mind Mirror window. The meditation script is placed alongside graphs of brainwave patterns, allowing for quick understanding of changes in brainwave activity and their causes. 

Composite Display in the Mind Mirror software.

Composite Display in the Mind Mirror Portal's Meditation Viewer. Besides automated data processing,

the Portal's inclusion of the written meditation script (see in the bottom left square) makes this feature invaluable.


Brainscape Plot. This adjustable window, with a frequency scale across the bottom, shows brainwaves as what they are: waves in an ocean of energy. The blue waves shown below can be changed to any RGB color. Keystroke commands increase or decrease the viewing range.

Coherence Reports measure interhemispheric amplitude symmetry, a key component of peak performance. Includes a Hemispheric Symmetry graph and a Correlation Coefficient window illustrating the 1-100Hz frequencies with the greatest levels of coherence. Coherence Summaries for each brainwave category track coherence across the session. The Coherence Summary shown below is for Mid Gamma (44-64Hz). The rising red trend line indicates that Mid Gamma coherence increased toward the high-coherence value of 0.7 as the meditation progressed.

Group Brainwave Training Capability

The Mind Mirror 6 facilitates group brainwave trainings with affordability and ease. Four inputs in the Vilistus digital sampling unit accommodate up to four EEG sensors or a mix of EEG and physiology sensors.


The screen capture below shows four people monitored on one Vilistus DSU.  The instrument windows include the Mind Mirror display, signal check instruments showing continual monitoring at the optimal 1.00 reading, and separate sEMG Artifact windows measuring the amount of movement or tension in the head, neck, or shoulders. Each of the four Mind Mirror windows can be adjusted in the many ways explained here and on the User Controls page.


The Mind Mirror 6 accommodates group brainwave trainings
The Mind Mirror 6 accommodates group brainwave trainings

Neurofeedback Training

Designed for neurofeedback therapists, the Viistus Pro software offers standard protocols and quick protocols of those most commonly used. Direct audio feedback is available, along with windows showing raw data and formats including vertical bars and bar graphs for 2-45 Hz, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta Amplitude, SMR, Alpha-Theta, and Theta-Beta. The active Mind Mirror displays blue bars.


The red arrows in the left- and right-brain alpha-theta windows shown below indicate whether or not the client's brainwaves are in compliance with the selected ratios. The Clinical Q, an add-on feature, is a mini-QEEG.


Neurofeedback therapists can request substitution of the Mind Mirror's dual-channel EEG leads for two single-channel EEG leads for placement on individual sites on the head. 

Software Advances and Free Updates

Like the brainwaves it monitors, the Mind Mirror 6 is continually evolving. The latest major innovation is an add-on software package, the Mind Mirror Features Pack, at a cost of $230. The Features Pack includes five components:

  • Coherence Reports showing interhemispheric brainwave coherence in four different formats
  • The Pattern Editor allow meditators to design their own self-training patterns
  • Resonant Frequency Tuning with the BVP sensor for increasing heart coherence and heart-rate variability
  • The Emotional State (ES) Meter measuring wellness with simultaneous use of a GSR and Temperature sensor, for monitoring client wakefulness and for training relaxed, attentive awareness
  • Voice Synchronization for recording verbal meditation guidance or notes into the session

Vilistus's talented software developers work with self-trainers, Awakened Mind practitioners, and consciousness researchers to create and implement new features that advance and enhance the software and the experiences of users.


Software updates are provided free of charge. Support includes comprehensive manuals, instructional videos, monthly webinars, and highly responsive online help. All hardware is warrantied under fair-use terms for two years.