Mind Mirror Specifications

Operating System

The Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 is designed to work on Windows laptops with operating systems ranging from XP to Windows 11. Mac users successfully run the software with programs like the in-built Virtual Box allowing for the installation of Windows software.


• Windows XP Home or Professional (SP2 applied) or above, including Windows 11

• 1.4Ghz AMD or Intel Processor

• 512 MB of Memory

• 10Gb of free space on your hard drive to allow for biometric data

• 16-bit sound card

• 1 USB port for the 4-port encoder (DSU)

• XGA Graphics card 

• 15” Monitor with <10Ms response 

RECOMMENDED additional equipment

USB Emissions Filter

USB connectivity between the Digital Sampling Unit (DSU, or encoder) requires the purchase of an emissions filter to reduce electrical noise and sound wave vibrations that could influence the highest frequencies in the 100Hz EEG sensor. Purchased for $69 from Amazon or locally. 


Dry Electrodes Kit

The Dry Electrodes Kit, a cleaner and faster hookup, is an optional alternative to the paste-and-gel hookup. It comes with a bottle of saline spray, a headband pre-installed with electrodes lasting between eight and 10 sessions, and 21 spare electrodes. Cost: $129 plus shipping. See video