Based on 50 Years of Meditation           and Consciousness Research

Reduced stress

The Mind Mirror is the scientific fast-track to stress reduction, enhanced brain function, and improved health and well-being. Our easy-to-use self-training program will guide you to lucid awareness and your creativity, insight, and intuition. 

Peak Performance

No matter what your passion, the Mind Mirror’s self-training program, with variable challenge levels, will help you combine external focus with calm, creative inner awareness for peak performance and the precision edge that succeeds and wins! 

mental clarity

Mental clarity refers to the sharpness of the mind and its flexibility and fluency of thought and action. The balanced brain thinks faster and is more lucid. Deep-state meditation increases cognitive skills and attenuates aging.

for professionals and researchers

The versatility of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, a state-of-the-art neurofeedback device, makes it the perfect tool for certified Awakened Mind practitioners, biofeedback/neurofeedback therapists, and professional researchers. 


Neurofeedback therapists use the Mind Mirror with their clients to optimize the brain. Awakened Mind practitioners help clients heal and resolve issues in the subconscious and unconscious mind. Practitioners and researchers working in sleep clinics, mind-body centers, holistic centers, and mind-expansion institutes use the Mind Mirror to explore mind-body interactions and study consciousness.  Learn more.


Many professionals deepen their understanding of brainwaves and consciousness by studying for certification in the Institute for the Awakened Mind's fascinating and affordable Practitioner Training Program.


Featuring a comprehensive, at-home self-training program, the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 is a highly affordable state-of-the-art, research-grade neurofeedback/biofeedback device designed for meditation and consciousness development and research. Unlike any other EEG in the world, the Mind Mirror shows both sides of the brain and the interrelationships of 0.5 to 100-hertz frequencies in a pattern that anyone can read, interpret, and understand.


The self-training program's audio cues and/or the guided meditation tracks in the Mind Mirror Portal's Meditation Center unfailingly guide meditators into the body-mind relaxation of deep, profound meditation, peak performance, and transcendence. The Practitioner Kit's Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) sensors track that journey for later comparisons with EEG. 


Within the open, flowing awareness of the subconscious mind, meditators find creative solutions to challenges and in the process learn to master their minds and lives.  

The Mind Mirror's self-training program, with its wide selection of ideal brainwave patterns, audio rewards, and variable challenge levels, enables the brain to adjust itself to optimal states of consciousness the quick and scientific way.


A statistical column chart, averaged brainwave pattern display, and Summary Plot (shown at left) will reveal your best patterns and when and how you reached them. See the software.


The self-training program is easy to use. Sit back, close your eyes, and relax. Your brain will adjust itself to win the audio cues for the brain pattern you choose to train. The brilliant brain loves to be peaceful and more efficient. It wants to optimize body, mind, heart, and spirit.


After your meditation, you can look at summary windows for EEG and then the Galvanic Skin Response and Blood Volume Pulse sensors, which will show you what increased your relaxation, heart rate, heart rate variability, and stress index. The EEG, GSR, and BVP sensors - and others available in the Shop - provide powerful insights into how your body and mind work - and could work better.  


Sophisticated features, innovative user controls, and advanced data analysis tools are custom designed to aid self-trainers, professional Awakened Mind practitioners, and scientific researchers. Or you can let the Mind Mirror Portal do the data processing for you. Unlike any other system, the Mind Mirror 6 allows meditators to self-train brainwave patterns of their own design, track coherence, and voice-record into the session, Check out the optional software add-on, the Mind Mirror Features Pack


All of these features - and brainwave science - will help you master your thoughts, emotions, and physical health in ways you never thought possible. 

what's in the practitioner kit?

Vilistus Mind Mirror neurofeedback/biofeedback device

Small, portable and highly versatile, the Vilistus digital sampling unit features four inputs and eight channels for EEG and/or physiology sensors. The DSU operates on USB connectivity, providing 256 samples per second.

Vilistus Mind Mirror dual-channel EEG sensor

The five-electrode, dual-channel EEG sensor measures both hemispheres of the brain and requires only one input port. This allows the user to add EEG or physiology sensors for measuring up to four people at a time.

Vilistus Mind Mirror Galvanic Skin Response meter

The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) physiology sensor wraps around two fingers and gauges mental-emotional arousal and relaxation. It can be used alone to train stress reduction and relaxation, meditation, and high performance.

Vilistus Mind Mirror - Blood Volume Pulse meter

The Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) sensor, clipped to the little finger, monitors heart rate, heart-rate variability, and stress index. Highly sensitive readings provide deep insights into the self when used with EEG and guided meditations. 

The purchase of additional EEG sensors allows you to monitor up to four people at a time. The four ports in the digital sampling unit accommodate any mix of EEG and physiology sensors.  Visit our Shop to see what's available.

what is the mind mirror eeg

Unlike any other electroencephalograph (EEG), the Mind Mirror measures the rhythms of both sides of the brain across frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 100 hertz: from the slow delta waves of empathy, psychic awareness, and deep sleep to the super-fast gamma waves of whole-brain synchrony, mental integration, and transcendence. More on brainwaves.


Looking into this mirror of the mind, you see how your brain works and how to adjust your brainwave patterns to master your attention and awareness.  


Anyone can read and interpret Mind Mirror patterns, which precisely and unfailingly depict in real time the meditator's state of consciousness. At left is the classic Awakened Mind.


Grounded in 50 years of trail-blazing research on meditation and consciousness, the Mind Mirror trains the brain to achieve the expanded awareness of five ideal patterns:  

  • Silent Meditation
  • The Awakened Mind of creative flow and peak performance 
  • The Evolved Mind of nonduality and unity consciousness
  • The Superconscious Gamma Synchrony pattern of mental integration and super-learning
  • Universal or Cosmic Consciousness, a pattern of enlightenment with 100-hertz gamma

All of these time-proven brainwave patterns increase lucidity, creativity. insight, intuition, empathy, and spiritual awareness. Decide what you want. Then attain it.


Hundreds of thousands of people across the world have benefitted from the scientifically structured guided meditations available in the Mind Mirror Portal. Coupled with the self-training program's audio cues, these specially designed meditations orchestrate brainwaves into the ideal states of consciousness found in expert meditators and other highly developed and spiritually aware people.


Read the research and hear what people say.

what is the awakened mind pattern?

The Awakened Mind is the brainwave pattern of the world’s top performers and producers. It is most often seen in advanced meditators, artists, CEOs, scientists, hands-on-healers, psychics and mediums, yoga and tai chi practitioners, and other self-actualized people with a high degree of creativity, self-awareness, and personal mastery. These calm, inwardly focused people tap their subconscious intelligence for solutions to challenges, to stimulate flow, and to self-evolve. With practice—and a Mind Mirror®—any normal person can awaken. 

The Awakened Mind pattern of lucid awareness was discovered by British biophysicist C. Maxwell Cade after his 1976 invention of the Mind Mirror EEG. Through the years, this renowned scientist, meditation master, hypnotist, and clinical psychologist mapped and trained the brainwaves of more than 4,000 highly developed and spiritually aware people. His successor, mind researcher and humanistic psychologist Anna Wise, created practitioner training programs, published books, and taught at the iconic Esalen Institute for 30 years.


Since 2011, practitioners certified by the Institute for the Awakened Mind have used the Mind Mirror to help thousands more people develop what is now called creative flow and peak performance. The Awakened Mind pattern is a gateway to higher-level patterns like the Evolved Mind and Superconscious Gamma Synchrony. The Awakened Mind was a 44-hertz pattern, but it can now extend up to 100 hertz.  

The Awakened Mind relaxes and quiets the body-mind, balances the brain, and potentiates inner resources providing powerful solutions to real-life questions and challenges. Nothing else offers the extraordinary benefits of Awakened Mind meditation, which include:

  • deep tranquility and inner peace that can be externalized to eyes open, waking life 
  • high levels of brain/mind integration with keener focus and sustained attention and awareness
  • an increased ability to think, plot, plan, imagine and create
  • "aha" flashes of insight and inspiration
  • improved health on a cellular level
  • better physical coordination and improved reaction time
  • intensified sensory acuity and intuitive abilities
  • enhanced learning abilities
  • greater intelligence, better memory, and enhanced creative powers

Studies show that subconscious meditation increases inner peace and well-being, intelligence, memory, and creativity. Deepening into the vast, spacious awareness of alpha-theta-delta builds new neurons (nerve cells) in the intellectual cortex and in our memory retrieval and storage center, the hippocampus. Neurogenesis increases our ability to think and imagine while reducing age-related cortical thinning. 


Awakened Mind meditation also increases neuroplasticity. The awakened brain, peaceful and aware, rewires old patterns into positive new ways of thinking and feeling. Nothing else offers this remarkable range of benefits.

why choose the mind mirror?

Your purchase of a Practitioner Kit comes with a comprehensive User Manual, the Mind Mirror Self-Training Guide, and a free set of online Mind Mirror Instructional Videos. We want you to succeed—and so does our community.


The Mind Mirror Community provides synergistic support through a free periodic newsletter and a free monthly webinar program. We discuss brainwaves, self-training, meditation, healing, and the many levels of expanded consciousness.


The Mind Mirror Portal, designed for the Mind Mirror Community, offers 10 free sessions to new subscribers. The Portal processes your data for you. The guided meditation albums available in the Portal's Meditation Center are scientifically designed to usher listeners into the brainwave patterns of choice. Geared to self-discovery, healing, and transformation, the meditation albums range from Beta Mastery and Alpha Development to Higher States and Energy Mastery. People benefit from them whether they own a Mind Mirror or not.


Besides all of that, we provide two hours of free online support, a generous two-year warranty on all hardware, free lifetime software updates, and highly responsive customer service.


Visit the webinar program and explore our newsletters. When you are ready, the Mind Mirror will take you on an extraordinary adventure in consciousness.

Data analysis is made quick and easy by the Mind Mirror Portal, a free or paid-for service that analyzes the data for you. Simply record your Mind Mirror session and let the Portal process your pattern statistics, Signal Quality, sEMG, and physiology readings. The Portal also offers a Meditation Viewer presenting meditation scripts alongside the brainwave patterns you produced. This unique feature, designed for your convenience, matches your brainwave patterns with your experiences during meditation.


Permanent file storage, trend charts, mobile access, and free accounts for clients make the Portal a leading-edge software enhancement system. Try it out. The first 10 sessions are free!


Inside the Portal is a Meditation Center featuring dozens of guided meditations designed for brainwave category development and training of the Awakened Mind and higher states of consciousness. Enter the Portal to see this superb development for Mind Mirror owners and the world. You will find there a network of self-trainers and practitioners available to conduct Mind Mirror sessions in person.

The Mind Mirror 6 is the recipient of two international TransTech 200 awards for its innovative scientific contribution to the mental-emotional well-being of humanity! Co-developer Judith Pennington received the award in Palo Alto, Calif., on behalf of the Mind Mirror community. 

"The present wave of interest in higher states of consciousness and the exploration of the inner worlds now sweeping the West has a deeper-rooted cause than is usually understood by those engaged in the study of the human mind.

This is not just a passing phase, a fashionable switch of interest from the material to the spiritual. It is a part of human evolution; the point where consciousness turns its search on itself to unravel its own mystery."


                                           --C. Maxwell Cade, Mind Mirror inventor

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