The Mind Mirror's self-training program, with its wide selection of ideal brainwave patterns, audio rewards, and variable challenge levels, enables the brain to adjust itself to optimal states of
consciousness the quick and scientific way.
A statistical column chart, averaged brainwave pattern display, and Summary Plot (shown at left) will reveal your best patterns and when and how you reached them. See the software.
The self-training program is easy to use. Sit back, close your eyes, and relax. Your brain will adjust itself to win the audio cues for the brain pattern you choose to train. The brilliant brain
loves to be peaceful and more efficient. It wants to optimize body, mind, heart, and spirit.
After your meditation, you can look at summary windows for EEG and then the Galvanic Skin Response and Blood Volume Pulse sensors, which will show you what increased your relaxation, heart rate,
heart rate variability, and stress index. The EEG, GSR, and BVP sensors - and others available in the Shop - provide powerful insights into how your body and mind work - and
could work better.
Sophisticated features, innovative user controls, and advanced data analysis tools are custom designed to aid self-trainers, professional Awakened Mind practitioners, and scientific
researchers. Or you can let the Mind Mirror Portal do the data processing for you. Unlike any other system, the Mind Mirror 6 allows meditators to self-train brainwave patterns of their own
design, track coherence, and voice-record into the session, Check out the optional software add-on, the Mind Mirror Features Pack.
All of these features - and brainwave science - will help you master your thoughts, emotions, and physical health in ways you never thought possible.